Friendships are great aren't they? Because unlike your significant other, the love you share with your best friend is different. It's a love that doesn't judge you when you haven't shaved your legs in 3 weeks (though it's also a love that subtly sends an "anonymous" waxing kit via Amazon.) It's a love that understands that Mr. Mittens the stuffed toy cat should always be placed with his face in the air, in case he suffocates to death (you know for when the toys come alive at night...) It's also a love that carries an extra tampon in her purse just in case you ever need it (even though she prefers sanitary pads.) Now that's true love right there.
However when you bestow the title 'Chief Bridesmaid' upon her, expectations change. After all, there are new duties your best friend now has to fulfil. Some of them weird, like folding napkins with you to help decide which style you like best and some of them crucial like wedding dress shopping. Oh and of course there's the hen party which is she has to plan...
You've imagine a weekend away in Paris, shopping and relaxing in a luxury spa. Before getting all glammed up and going out for dinner in a Michelin star restaurant where you'll dine on some of the best food you've ever had in your life. Now we hate to break it to you but the reality will probably be far from the truth. The reality will probably involve a trip into town where you'll grab a curry at your local favourite, followed by a trip to a club with dodgy toilets and a terrible DJ.
Unless of course you've been open and honest about what you want and what you’re expecting. Trust us; it's probably a good idea because even if she's supposed to be your BFF, sometimes they get it wrong. So as an amusing exercise (and to encourage you to tell her about us) we created the above image to help illustrate the Expectation vs Reality of a Hen Weekend.